Monday, August 1, 2011

Double decker buses and Tower of London

Fortunately, everyone ended up getting plenty of sleep last night, even if it was in fits and starts at times. We all chowed down crumpets and butter and the kids loved strawberry milk for breakfast.  Sully's only wish for the day was to ride the double decker bus and he was not disappointed.  The kids felt that the bus was a bit like Harry Potter's night bus, only slower.  We made an impromptu stop at Hamley's, London's most famous (and six story) toy store.  I've really been enjoying navigating the immense Tube and bus systems.  So impressed by how huge London really is and how busy it is.   It makes Portland feel cozy and small.  Anyway, after two trains and two buses, we finally arrived at the Tower of London.

The Tower of London ( is a medieval castle/fortress/compound almost 1000 years old.  Originally the site of a Roman fortress on the Thames, it has housed many kings and their families.  It apparently was never taken.  The White Tower, above, was built by William the Conquerer.  Capture, imprisonment, torture and execution were common but there were apparently *only* 22 beheadings.  The Crown Jewels are also housed here.  Henry (the Jones) expected a large pile of jewels but still thought the coronation crowns, sceptres and maces were all pretty cool too.  All in all, a satisfying visit.  Dinner at Sushi Yo with fizzy water.  Quick stop for a (very large) order of fish and chops on the way home.  Washed kids.  Hoping for quality and quantity of sleep.  Still not sure what tomorrow will bring.  .  .


  1. Tomorrow will bring... more great adventures because you are exploring with your family!!! Love, Wendy

  2. Thanks so much, Wendy. We are having a great time.
