Monday, August 29, 2011

Hospital de Sant Pau, la playa & Damm Lemon

As we were up pretty late last night, we had another late start to the day.  It's safe to say we're on Barcelona time.  Maryann snuck out earlier this morning without waking anyone up, to the airport and off to Germany.  We took the bus northeast and ate our lunch in yet another park.  There are so many and we've seen a large proportion, or so it seems.  We played for a while with this paddleball set that seems to be all the rage here.  The checkout lady at the store this morning gave it to our local celebrity, Sullivan, apparently because he was being so helpful.  Amazing, especially since a few short hours later I really wanted to tape him to a light pole and keep on walking.  He was not at his finest today and was the source of some frustration.  I keep reminding myself that he's four and he's done remarkably well on this trip overall though he's certainly had his moments.

A primary reason for our trip out today was to visit the famous modernista building, Hospital de Sant Pau.  Built in the early 20th century by Lluis Domenech i Montaner, it is a stunning example of the wave of modern architectural expansion at that time.  As was typical of our day today, though, it was closed for renovation and we could only drool from outside the fence.  

I did stop in for a little emergencia training across the street. 

Quick shot from the bus of a common cycletrack set up here:  two bike lanes in the middle of the street, protected by space and raised curbs.  We've seen plenty of signs in the metro stations that say something to the effect of "Metro + Bike = decreased carbon dioxide emissions".  Also, several folding bikes that are taken up and down the stairs into the metro stations and onto the trains.  No bike hangers on the trains like we have at home.

Three more successful geocache finds today = some happy (& freckled) kids.

After a siesta at home and dinner, we hit the beach for a late evening session.  This time to Barceloneta, which is a quick Metro ride from us.  We arrived around 8:15 or so and most of the crowds had cleared out though several more came to swim while we were there.  We LOVE this weather and warm water.  More shells to drag home, as our supplies must be dwindling.

While the kids frolicked in the water, we kicked back and drank some more Damm Lemon.  Yes, it's a 60/40 beer/lemonade mix and it's great in warm weather.  Almost like hefeweizen and lemonade in a can together.

Watching the dramatic sky and skyline behind us.  Since when does the sun not set out over the water?  Frank Gehry's "Peix d'Or" is in the lower/right part of this shot.  It is pretty darn cool, day or night.

As everyone was quite happy, we stayed late.  Dragged them away sometime between 9:30 and 10, de-sanded them, walked back along the beach and some beautiful and inviting restaurants to the metro.  Home again and some late bedtimes.  Tomorrow is our last full day here though Sullivan now wants to move to Spain and live in the W Hotel on the beach.  Where has the month gone?


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