Thursday, August 18, 2011

Paris to Barcelona & Naked People!

(A little offline blogging.)  Time is 13:48 local time and we’re cruising through northern Spain, en route between Girona and Barcelona.  M & H are happy, Sully is sleeping and E is reading.  Life is good.  Red wine present.  We were up and out early this morning to catch our train.  Crossing the Seine at about 5:45 this morning, we were hoping to see that the Eiffel Tower was still lit but our efforts were in vain.  We passed a brasserie with several folks there drinking beer and wine, presumably continuing their late evening.

We made our 7:20 train without any difficulty and actually had to wait for a while.  Boarded our TGV and set off from Paris as the sun was rising.  Definitely some tristesse despite the promise of the beach in the evening and a new phase of our big adventure.   Once we cleared the outskirts of the city, the train began to pick up speed.  The telephone poles were screaming by and we zoomed past cars on the freeway headed in our direction.   According to the conductor, we were going 300 km/hr (186 mph)!   The kids were initially impressed but their interest waned as they moved onto other activities.  I'm still in awe of the rail system and embarrassed by ours at home.  Plenty of cows, goats, corn, wheat and sunflower fields.  As we travelled pretty much due south, the vegetation began to change and grape vines became more prevalent.  I’m not sure I would recognize an olive tree if I was standing under one.  

A lovely (quick) glimpse of an old French town in the country.

About four hours after leaving Paris, we caught our first glimpse of the Mediterranean Sea and everyone became excited about the beaches.  There were three kids in the seats behind ours who were also suddenly quite interested in the view.  Chatted briefly with a young American couple from NYC.  They both work at schools in the Bronx.  I told them that they deserved this vacation.  We made a quick transfer to another train just inside the Spanish border, in Figuera.  I’m enjoying the good view of the Pyrenees to our right and the cool Mediterranean colors on the buildings.  Another hour and we’ll be in Barcelona…

Yes, we made it.  We are all very pleased with our apartment in Barcelona.  It is quite large, especially after our tiny apartment in Paris.  Everyone has their own bedroom even!  It was very hot and humid when we arrived in Barcelona, but with windows/ doors open at both ends of the apartment, there is a great breeze.  In addition to being larger than our last place, it is in a much quieter neighborhood, and we can see the sky from our back sun room.  The master bedroom and living room open on to the street, with little balconies from each.  There are nice views of the beautiful buildings across the street.  

Before the promised trip to the beach, M & H went with me to search for more food while Sully had a little down time with Erica.  I told the kids that traveling to new places reminds me of camping:  find food and shelter then begin to get your bearings.  We had pesto pasta and salad for dinner with a traditional appetizer of yummy BBQ ham potato chips.  These things would sell like crazy in the States!  We bought a card of 10 metro/bus rides for E 8,25, which is significantly cheaper than the MAX at home.  Took bus #41 literally from our doorstep to a block from the beach through town, about a 15 minute ride.

The Mediterranean was warm and the beach was nice though not as pristine or desolate as Okracoke Island (in NC's Outer Banks) or some of the Oregon coast beaches we've visited.  Of course the kids could care less.  The big surprise was the large number of naked people!  And no, I was not one of these folks.  Mostly men, some topless or naked women too.  We saw folks of all ages, races, orientation, body type and size.  No tan lines here.  The kids didn't seem to bat an eye and we were initially more shocked than the kids.  Welcome to Barcelona!

We finally dragged them away from the water, began the tedious process of desanding everyone and had a nice bus ride back home.  Bathed the crew, ate half a tasty banana melon (!) we'd picked up for  E ,61 (about $0.90) and sent the crew off to bed.  It's been a long but great day.  No plan as of yet for tomorrow but it most likely will not involve another beach trip as it feels like a lot of work two days in a row.  Anyone know what I mean?



  1. Glad you enjoyed the trip there. Nice to have some more room in the apartment to give everyone some space. Interesting that the kids were not the least bit bothered about the naked people. I am convinced people in the U.S. are too uptight about too many things! Enjoy the explorations of your new city-I look forward to your blog! Love, Mom/Pat/Grandma

  2. I can hardly wait!! I'm back on Couch St tonight, but Dougie Fresh is disappointed that I am not constantly paying attention to him. I don't think I am up for joining the naked bathers! The sun exposure, you know....
    Love Grammy
