Sunday, July 31, 2011

London day 1

In spite of very little sleep, perhaps an hour or two, on the plane, we made it through our first jet lagged day pretty well. We are staying in a funky flat owned by friend of friend (thanks again Jeff!), with Mouche the cat and Gollum the huge bulgy eyed gold fish, and many works of art: paintings and sculpture. These are by Sam, the man of the house; I'll take some pictures. After a walk to the Tesco Express for groceries, we went out for some geocaching along the Thames, figuring that would keep our kids awake. It worked, along with an ice cream stop, but while the second cache was being sought, I was sure that I could fall asleep standing up. We did make it back to the flat, made dinner and got everyone off to bed. I found a second wind here, but I am still looking forward to sleep in the horizontal position.

We are all tickled to be here, and tomorrow will be even better after sleep. We had a great moment getting on the plane in Minneapolis, feeling all giddy that we were about to fly over the ocean to a different continent. I really enjoyed flying with all 3 kids, but especially Sully, who is such a little man now. On the first leg, we were very busy with different projects, then on the second leg, he snuggled on me and slept for close to 7 hours. He is loving having his Scuut bike here; we opted for that instead of a stroller, and so far it seems like a great move.

Tomorrow we plan to hop on a double decker bus and go to the Tower of London and various other tourist spots...


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