Sunday, October 7, 2012

The journey continues

Though it's been a year, our adventures resume once more. Plans have evolved and the next step begins today. I've flown to Ohio for a few days to visit my family and watch the Buckeyes triumph yet again.

At this moment I'm sitting at the gate waiting to start the journey to Costa Rica. I'll be in a Spanish immersion school for a week and then Erica and the kids will fly into San Jose. We'll head out for ten days of fun and adventure, but also to scope out the scene. Our current plan is to move to Costa Rica in February!! Looking forward to some mixing it up for a while. Details to follow. . .


1 comment:

  1. We hope you get to see and hear Arenal Volcano blow during the day, and at night, watch it ooze hot red lava down its sides. And, we hope you love Costa Rica as much as we do. Love, Wendy, Tim, and Natalie
