Friday, June 7, 2013

Volcan Miravalles termales, geothermal energy & Llanos de Cortes waterfall

With school out for three days earlier this week, the kids and I made a Sunday night escape to Volcan Miravalles, two volcanoes to the northwest of us.   We stayed in a small hot springs (termales) hotel, El Guayacan, with 7 warm pools and a great view of Miravalles.  Two of the pools were extra popular with Madeleine and Henry, thanks to the long and fast slide into one and a dive platform at another.  Sully and I mostly explored and did tricks with our snorkel masks on while the daredevil pair went for height and speed.  From the hotel one can hike to see fumaroles (hissing vents and mud pots), but this crew opted to save that for our next visit.  We’d like to bring Nik back here sometime.

Miravalles with jumper

Henry takes the slide

Henry off the high dive

Madeleine shows her style

Sully in the deep pool. (profundidad = depth)

The calmer side of the termales.


On the way up the flanks of Miravalles we were able to see some sites of the geothermal energy plant that was built in the 90s.  Lots of big metal tubes carry steam from thermal vents to the power plant.  There are various gated turnoffs for “pozos” or wells, in this case geothermal.  Our guidebook states that 18% of Costa Rica’s electricity is generated here, but the majority of electricity produced is exported to Nicaragua and Panama.

Volcan Miravalles with what sure looks like a steam vent to the right.

Part of the geothermal electricity plant

Our trusty guidebook (Lonely Planet has been our go-to resource) also stated that we must see an amazing waterfall that was mostly on our way home.  Llanos de Cortes is near Bagaces, just off the Pan American Hwy, and was definitely worth the visit.  I was happy to discover that I really do trust my older two adventurers’ skills and sense.  Having read that one can swim to the waterfall and climb around under and behind it, they were off.  Sully and I stayed on the beach to collect seed pods and draw kites in the sand.  It seems to be a theme that we are the less adventurous ones.  What will I do when Sully is older and goes off to join his sister and brother?

Madeleine and the falls

Henry tries out the swing into the water

The two adventurers under the falls


  1. Omigosh! What a fabulous place!! No wonder you all had a great visit. It looks gorgeous! I guess when Sul joins the adventurous duo, I'll have to come to draw kites in the sand with you!
    Hugs to all the adventurers!
    Love, Grammy

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