Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Sunshine, bugs and school: Our Costa Rica right now

In the land of the eternal spring
Recently we have been blessed with some more of the beautiful tropical sun.  Our rate of new critter discovery has taken a little hit as we've been working pretty hard at the school routine.  We are definitely feeling less like tourists, at least during the school week.  School is keeping us all pretty busy lately.  Both Madeleine and Henry have their first set of exams coming up next week and both are experiencing some angst about it.  They each will have an exam in each one of their subjects.  This'll be a new experience for each of them, not to mention the fact that they'll all be in Spanish.  We're encouraging them to do their very best and to be proud about it.  This is a new challenge for them both that will hopefully ultimately build some character!

Henry's list of what will be covered in his exams next week.  He's most concerned about having to explain the geologic origins of Costa Rica.
Today we had a "reunion" for Madeleine's class.  It's kind of like a meeting for all the parents and the teacher.  I have to admit to feeling like somewhat of an outsider initially, especially because I wasn't understanding a whole lot of what her teacher was saying, in part complicated by the loud kids and machinery outside the echoey room.  Somehow I also just have more trouble understanding Madeleine's teacher.  Fortunately one of the other fathers could help fill in the gaps of my comprehension.  The loud and fast discussion was filled with a lot of emotion and laughter that typifies the local Latin culture, in my opinion.  Essentially, a large portion of the meeting was spent discussing ways to raise money to pay for the graduation "packets" for the end of the school year in December.  Each packet will include some type of diploma, a tie to wear and some other costume pieces.  We're going to work together to raise the $20 required for each.  One of the big fundraisers will be making the special Semana Santa tamales.  Apparently these are special and quite large tamales traditionally eaten in the week before Easter Sunday.  We're bringing chicken and garlic.  Also, I volunteered Erica for a shift during this same week when the parents of the class will be manning the bathrooms at a popular local park, charging admission to use the facilities.  The class apparently has to provide the toilet paper.  I'd be helping, of course, but I'll be hard at work myself during that week, bringing home some bacon.

The "reunion" of the sixth grade parents in Madeleine's classroom

Every time we walk or drive by Sullivan's kindergarten class, he seems to be happy and really enjoying himself.  Today we saw him skipping around the schoolyard, again completely oblivious to this major life change.  He is sufficiently tired at night, likely a result of the fact he wakes up around 6 am and that his brain is working hard to learn Spanish, even though he isn't consciously aware of it.  There is also a lot of running around going on.

Sullivan's kindergarten homework from yesterday.  Note Sponge Bob as his favorite TV show (!?!), birdwatching as one of his favorite activities and pizza as a favorite food.
The only recent new and exciting creature was discovered on our bird feeder.  I'm not convinced these guys are indigenous just to Costa Rica but I've not seen one quite like it.  Not that there is a shortage of beetles around.  .  .

Snout beetle, most likely.

1 comment:

  1. I learned last night to not try to comment on my iPhone; for the second time all of my astute observations vanished into the black hole. In any case, I am so proud of my grandchildren!! I loved Sul's homework and I am so proud of Madeleine and Henry for even attempting their exams in Spanish! I know, you don't really have an alternative available, but I can't imagine doing it myself, even though I studied the language for some years - many years ago. So, guys, I know you will do well, but no one will fault you if you get a terrible grade! Everyone will be proud of you for doing your best and learning as much Spanish as you have in less than 2 months!! You guys rock!! Love, Grammy
