Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The sweet life

Today we were once again surprised by the sweetness and simplicity of life here.  While we were in town around noon picking up Madeleine from school and delivering the boys to school for the afternoon, we chatted with some of the volunteers from Florida painting the school roof.  They are college students here for a week with an organization called led2serve ( They are painting schools here and in La Fortuna, as well as interacting with the students.  Today is their last day here, so Nik had the brilliant (and sweet!) idea to bring them some refreshments to show our thanks.  He bought a bunch of juice boxes, a pack of Oreos and some wee bananas, and we delivered them to the volunteers who were very appreciative.  They were making a final push to get the one large section of roof they were working on done.  

Volunteers posing on the roof
Madeleine’s new good friend, Tatiana, asked us for a ride home, as she lives right on our way.  Her request sounds simple, but it took us a while to understand what she was asking, as she speaks quickly and without very clear enunciation (that’s my excuse anyway!).  She was very patient with us, with only a few laughingly exasperated gestures and “mi Dios”es.  I am so inspired by the easy friendships here in spite of the language barrier, both on our kids’ parts and by their new Costa Rican friends.  

The Florida volunteers told us that they were going to be organizing some races for the students this afternoon at the soccer field.  I was glad we talked to them about it, otherwise we might have missed out.  Henry’s class got out early, at 4, so they could participate.   The moms from Sullivan’s class set up to sell tacos including the salchicon (sausage) that we donated, and that the giggling ladies referred to as Nik’s salchicon;).  We also donated Coke that was divided up and served in little plastic bags.  To drink, you bite a tiny hole and suck out the soda.  Reminds me of honey sticks.  Our kids tell us that this is how juice drinks are sold at recess too.

Kinder moms' taco stand
I met the directors of led2serve, who started the organization 3 years ago.  There will be more groups of volunteers, some college students, some families or other groups, coming to town through this summer.  There is plenty more painting to do!  It will be fun to follow their progress and continue to offer them some support, even in the form of light refreshment.

Madeleine initially declined to participate in the races, but once she found her friends and learned that they were going to run, she agreed.  The 5th and 6th grade girls ran together, probably about a half mile, three large laps outside the perimeter of the field, including up a steep hill next to the field and through some trees.  Madeleine easily took the lead and led the pack for most of the race, with her classmates cheering her on, until another girl caught up to her at the end to win.  All the participants received ribbons, and Madeleine passed her 2nd place ribbon on to Sullivan.

Madeleine (4th from right) and the other 5th and 6th graders lined up for their race.
Henry did not want to run in the organized race, but he did plenty of running around and playing tag with one of his new friends, Christian.  He had a smile on his face the whole time, and I just loved hearing him say a few words of Spanish to his friend.  Sullivan also had a great time running around and playing with the other kids.  It all seems so easy.  

We had our fill of salchichon and cabbage tacos, as well as empanadas, that were the 6th grade fundraiser.  We were glad to be able to buy tacos and drinks for Madeleine and Henry’s friends, since they are always buying snacks for our kids at recess.

We headed home as the sunlight started to fade around 5:30, everyone in a joyful mood.  Sully entertained us with a "spider show" he'd been planning for a while that involved a plastic spider, a Lego stage and 2 flashlights.  A real spider showed up as well and took its turn in the spotlight.  Showers for all the sweaty runners and then bed.

Arenal's church, next to the soccer field (la plaza)

Newest sighting at our bird stand, the Green Honeycreeper (Mielero verde)


  1. What a wonderful day!! Isn't it amazing how quickly you all have become acclimated to your new life??

  2. Sounds like another wonderful day in Paradise! So glad everyone is so happy and having such a great time! I can hardly wait to see it all firsthand!
