Sunday, February 17, 2013


There's no doubt in my mind that some of our friends and family might find some solace in the fact that it not only was raining this morning, but also that we put on sweatshirts.  It was reminiscent for me of my time as a teenager in Singapore when some of the locals put on ear muffs and warm coats when the temperature dipped down to a bone-chilling 70 degrees.  We still took our French toast outside and with pineapple jam.  Even we can't eat rice and beans every day for breakfast.

The only real plan for the day was to head to a bi-weekly farmer's market we'd heard about.  Rumor also has it that an American realtor and her husband sell sliders there as well.  By the time we arrived at the fledgling market, the rain had stopped and the sliders didn't disappoint.  In addition to some kettle corn from a gringo hippie we made two other tasty purchases from a Tico named Rudolf.  He and his wife sold us the last of their green caimitos (star apples) and some special juice/extract that he makes.  We sampled several varieties, including some alcoholic ones.  We settled on a bottle of Jugo de Uva Güiscoyol without alcohol or extra sugar.  It's apparently made from the "grape" of a certain palm tree, reportedly similar to acai berry.  Of course it has many health benefits.  We were cautioned to keep it refrigerated or it would turn to alcohol and then vinegar.  It's in the fridge.

To health!

After a couple of errands in nearby Tilaran, we returned to our side of the lake and drove up a very steep but well paved hill to look at the view from some lots that look like they've been on the market for quite some time.  Didn't seem that any houses have yet been built but it was tough to argue with the advertised "Million Dollar View".

Maybe we could pitch a tent?
A little bit of stir-craziness ensued upon our return home.  Erica and Henry agreed after a pretty impressive amount of begging to take Sullivan back down to the nature trail at the bottom of our neighborhood that we'd all walked earlier.  He was eager to begin sweeping all the debris off the trail.  A lot of playing and some working was accomplished, but it was perfect for a Sunday afternoon.  As a possible solution to the barking neighborhood dogs, Erica had had the brilliant idea to buy some dog treats to give to them when they yelp at us.  Unfortunately, two neighbor dogs turned their noses up to her offerings this afternoon.

Hard at work

Some quiet time for the crew and a quick workout for me preceded pineapple fried rice with fried plantains for dinner.  Today we continued our culinary tour with a local rum/pineapple juice cocktail.  Yes, there is a theme developing.  Tomorrow we hope to finalize the plan for getting the kids in school on Wednesday and to make sure the wire transfer goes through for the car purchase.  I'm cautiously optimistic that by next weekend, we'll have a car, the kids will be settling into school and that we'll be headed to the beach to visit with one of Sullivan's best friends from his school in Portland.



  1. Maybe the dogs wanted some rum/pineapple juice cocktails! Sounds good to me! A fun day

  2. Hi there you Roulier/Jones ambassadors to CR! I think I have figured out how to post a comment. Your posts are and photos are really enjoyable. The story of "Senior, you will need this, that, and the other, but so sorry we don't have anything in stock today," took me back to my stay on Guam. The vibrant plant colors also take me back. Thanks for the news.
    Joe Hopkins

  3. Sul's industriousness amuses me! Tell him my earrings are messed up again! When he visits, he lines them up 2 x 2 in the long dish, where I keep them. Fingers crossed for school and the car!
