Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Here's to grandparents and special kindergarten memories!

After much eager anticipation, my parents arrived from Ohio into the Liberia airport, of course with plenty of goodies for us all.  Maybe the toughest adjustment to make about living abroad is being farther away from family.  Ironically, though, here in Nuevo Arenal, we are about 200 miles closer to Ohio than we were in Portland, Oregon.  Even though my folks will be here for two weeks, no time was wasted in introducing them to the wonders of Costa Rica.

Who doesn't love pipa fria?
The parade of interesting animals to our house has yet to let up but fortunately has not included any snakes recently.  My mom is especially thankful.

Window stick bug

Yesterday, during this special week about health education at the school, my mom was greeted very warmly by the kindergarten class.  Sullivan's wonderful teacher had them gather in a circle and sing one of their daily songs.

Morning song
Yesterday I was tasked with giving a short presentation to the kindergarten class about bacteria, amoebas and the importance of hand washing, all as a contribution to this week's theme of health education.  I think the kids were most impressed by the photos and drawings of microbes from the internet, though.  Discussions about healthy and unhealthy foods served as a perfect segue to "El dia de la Agricultura" today.  Sullivan's teacher, ever thoughtful, brought in a hat for him because he didn't have full cowboy attire.  These kids could not be more precious.


Kindergarten sure is fun
My parents have been impressed by just how friendly people are here and by the vistas, flora and fauna.    They've been making great effort to learn Spanish and have already been to two classes in their first five days!  We love the enthusiasm.  More adventures are in store.  .  .

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