Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Golden Toad

Today we feature yet another guest blogger, at his request.  Here is an interesting read from young Henry about the likely now-extinct Golden Toad.  Yes, we've been trying to find one.

Once upon a time there was a beautiful golden toad but now it is gone.  The male was a bright beautiful shade of orange.  It was a very shiny shade of orange.  The female looked a lot different.  The female was a little bigger then the male.  The male was 39-48 mm long.  The female was 42-56mm long.
The golden toad lived in 5 miles of space in the Monteverde cloud forest in Costa Rica.
The golden toad liked to eat small insects such as the house fly butterfly etc. It ate what most frogs and toads ate.

The reason that it got extinct was because people took golden toads to sell in Europe.  Another reason that they are extinct is maybe because of global warming.  Another reason yet is because when the female has tadpoles in the rainy season if it is too much rain the little tadpoles get knocked out of their pools if there is too little rain the pools dry up.

The golden toad was discovered in 1967 and it got extinct in 1992.  It appeared in the rainy season in puddles.     


  1. Henry, I love hearing the story of the Sapo Dorado! Now I remember that is the name of the hotel where we stayed in Monteverde. Keep looking, maybe you'll find one in a mud puddle after a rain! Love, Grammy

  2. I really enjoyed reading about the Golden Toad! I had never heard of them before!! I hope you find one! I know that you are having a wonderful time exploring everything in Costa Rica!! Love you so much! Grandma Jones

  3. Hello Henry,

    Your information about the Golden Toad is very, very interesting ! Is the Monteverde Rain Cloud close to where you live ? Do you have to travel to look for this toad ? Maybe when Grandma and I come to visit you we can go to the Monteverde Rain Cloud and look for the Golden Toad. Who knows what other creatures we might see ?!?


    Grandpa Jones

    P.S. I want some of your delicious guacamole when we visit !

  4. Henry Loco, I enjoyed your post on the Golden Toad a great deal. I hope someday you get to see one live, perhaps in a mud puddle. The frogs are such a beautiful color, no wonder people in far away Europe wanted to see them. I am so pleased you found photos to include in your post. Keep writing.
